Monday, August 18, 2014

Day 7 - Left Rome and headed back to the country

Hard to believe it has been a week since we left home but it's true. We left Rome this morning to head to the small village of Torgiano - population about 5,000.

I must say that we saw a lot in Rome in the 3 days we were there and could have stayed many more days and still not see it all, but I really prefer the smaller Italian towns. We drove out of Rome toward our first stop of Orvieto. I tried to talk the tour guide into a slight detour through Anguillara Sabazia which is where they filmed a lot of the Everybody Loves Raymond Italy episode but to no avail.

We made a short rest stop about 1.5 hours outside of Rome at a rest area/snack bar. Behind the snack bar was this sea of sunflowers. Sunflowers are a big crop here.

From here we went on into Orvieto to tour the Orvieto Cathedral which was started in 1290 and not finished for 300 years! We had a guided tour of the inside but unfortunately, they did not allow pictures.

We had another fabulous lunch. Big surprise. And then headed on to Torgiano. We had a couple of hours before dinner. Nan went with Mitch and did some wine tasting. I put my feet up for a bit before dinner. We sat down to dinner at 7:45 pm and walked out around 10. Again, it was incredible. The portions are smaller which is a darned good thing.

Tonight was the last night of the festival Vinarelli 2014 a Torgiano. The entire village, it seems, turns out on this street in town where the have set up tables for blocks and they eat and then many artists paint with water colors using wine as the water.

Tomorrow we travel to Assisi. Until then... Ciao!


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