Well it had to come to an end. Part of me is more than ready to go home and part is sad to see the trip end as we had such a good time. This morning I started out at 7am and walked around the area fairly close to our hotel. The streets were almost completely deserted which was nice compared to the mega crowds that we experienced shopping today.
After breakfast, the four us set out shopping for a few hours. We came across Venice's leaning tower.
We picked up some sandwiches and drinks at a small shop and had lunch back at the hotel before going back out for the last shopping trek of the trip. It was wall-2-wall people but we made it through.
This evening was the fairwell dinner for the group. It was a great way to end our tour.
This was the view across the canal.
Tomorrow morning, we take a water taxi at 7:30 am to the Marco Polo Airport and we fly out for the US at 10:50am. We have a long 5 hour layover in Atlanta before catching our flight to Grand Rapids arriving at around 11pm ET. That will be about 22 hours of travel time but Nancy and I can sleep in since we're not working Wednesday.
Arrivederci Italy!